No! We have extensive free training with all our suppliers as well as constant in house company training. You have the option to do further training and become a specialist in so many different areas from Disney, to Solo travel, Honeymoon, Luxury family, Cruises, tours or any other specialist you’d like to. There are regular, optional trainings, on destinations, new suppliers or business building. You can do as many or as little of these as you wish, they are all optional.
Absolutely yes! We have no targets or quotas so you can absolutely do this around a full time job. Lots of the other ladies do exactly that, and either use it to just book their personal travel or to book for friends and family for an added income.
Not at all, you can use this solely for your own travel. As I've said above you can use it for one holiday or 10 holidays, there are no targets or quotas.
Not at all. You don't need to share on your socials pages or even tell anyone that you have joined! I use Instagram as its a free advertising tool. I share both my Travel agent business and I share the opportunity as I am part of the sister company, so I refer and mentor other people to travel smarter just like I do.
Also many of our partners provide us with all the advertising we require, which makes the travel sharing very straight forward if you do decide you'd like to turn it into a business and book for others as well.
That's absolutely fine, you're not tied in to a contract and can cancel at anytime.
If you cancel within the first 30 days, you receive a full refund.
Definitely not, you can simply join to book and save on your own travel. There are no targets, and there isn't a point system.
It's as simple as - You book a holiday, you get paid the commission.
There is an optional travel affiliate opportunity but it is a completely separate business opportunity. This does mean that there are other revenue streams available too. If you want to ask me about those then I would be happy to discuss it with you.
Well...I did wonder that myself to start with. It definitely sounded too good to be true. You can ask as many questions as you like. I joined one of the opportunity calls to gain all the information, and this is a great chance to ask further questions if you need to, but because of the money back guarantee I thought I would give it a go. Within the first two weeks of me joining I had an upgrade on a hotel that I'd already booked, and made a great saving on our holiday so I was sold!! Its now allowing me to go on more holidays, and to places I could have only dreamed of. It really is as good as it looks . Just wish I'd found it sooner!!
Yes, there’s a one off payment of £142 which pays for your travel (IATA) licence. This will be a number that gives you global recognition as a travel agent. Then in the second month, after you enrol, you pay £32 a month which covers your admin, support, insurance and back office systems. All training is totally free, there are no hidden fees. It works out £1.09/day!!!
If you would like to have the opportunity to share the business with your travel loving friends and family that is an additional $19 per month.
Mandatory training is approximately 90 mins and consists of watching training videos with a multiple choice Q & A at the end. You will also be required to registers with ABTA, which takes approx 20 mins. You can do the training in your own time, at your own speed. I did it over the space of a couple of evenings. You will then be licenced to book holidays. However there is other optional training such as supplier training and how to approach hotels etc if you wish to do them.
Getting started is really simple. We can arrange to have a chat together about it all, or you can jump on one of the information calls if you wish. Or simply get set up straight away by contacting me via the get started section.
Within a few hours you could be a qualified Independent Travel Agent!
This really is the best business ever ... I’ve met some of the most AMAZING people! We are one community & everyone is welcome.
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